About the creator of the treasures:

This blog is dedicated to my Scottish friend Frank Maguire, as a personal gift to him. It contains a selection of his finest poems, both in the English and in the Scottish language he has written throughout the years. All pictures used are made by yours truly and under copyright and so are all poems by Frank Maguire.


Ingrid de Klerck

vrijdag 11 juni 2010

Ma dearest love

Ma Dearest Love

Ma dearest love, ma wan true love
How a miss thee still a caw
Fur miny a weary mile an year
Frae me, yiv been awa
The distance thit’s between us baith
Seems like a gulf sae wide
Yet still a feel ye near tae me
Wherever a may bide

Ma dearest love, ma wan true love
A still see ye everyday
Maist every time a shut ma eeyn
Or bow ma heid tae pray
A hear yer voice upon the wind
Be it gale or gentle breeze
Singing sweet oor song o love
Tae sooth ma mind an please

Ma dearest love, ma wan true love
A hope thit ye ur weel
Entwined in awe sic happiness
Thit ye never will conceal
A’ll rest weel in the knowledge
Thit we love each ither still
We luved back then, ma wan true love
An nae doubt we always will

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