About the creator of the treasures:

This blog is dedicated to my Scottish friend Frank Maguire, as a personal gift to him. It contains a selection of his finest poems, both in the English and in the Scottish language he has written throughout the years. All pictures used are made by yours truly and under copyright and so are all poems by Frank Maguire.


Ingrid de Klerck

vrijdag 11 juni 2010

A love ye fair

A Love Ye Fair

For awe av been
For awe a am
An for awe thit a may be
A’ll never love anither lass
The way thit a love ye

A remember weel
Yon day we met
As yer haun in mine, it lay
An when ye smiled thit bonnie smile
Ye stole ma hert away

A lost masel
Tae awe yer charms
Wae a fervour yet unseen
Tae yer bonnie hair, yer fragrance an
The look in yer blue eeyn

How young an free
Ye made me feel
As a fell in love sae deep
Sic feelings never known before
Tae cherish an tae keep

A never knew
Thit love could be
Sae precious an divine
How blessed a feel tae ken the love
Ye hungered fur wiz mine

An even though
Its been some years
Since ye turned an walked away
Ma hert, it still belongs tae ye
An a love ye mair each day

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