About the creator of the treasures:

This blog is dedicated to my Scottish friend Frank Maguire, as a personal gift to him. It contains a selection of his finest poems, both in the English and in the Scottish language he has written throughout the years. All pictures used are made by yours truly and under copyright and so are all poems by Frank Maguire.


Ingrid de Klerck

vrijdag 11 juni 2010

A love ye fair

A Love Ye Fair

For awe av been
For awe a am
An for awe thit a may be
A’ll never love anither lass
The way thit a love ye

A remember weel
Yon day we met
As yer haun in mine, it lay
An when ye smiled thit bonnie smile
Ye stole ma hert away

A lost masel
Tae awe yer charms
Wae a fervour yet unseen
Tae yer bonnie hair, yer fragrance an
The look in yer blue eeyn

How young an free
Ye made me feel
As a fell in love sae deep
Sic feelings never known before
Tae cherish an tae keep

A never knew
Thit love could be
Sae precious an divine
How blessed a feel tae ken the love
Ye hungered fur wiz mine

An even though
Its been some years
Since ye turned an walked away
Ma hert, it still belongs tae ye
An a love ye mair each day



There’s something in the air tonight
Be it near or far away
It’s something I have yet to see
Through my cloudy skies of grey
I ponder hard, I ponder long
And wonder endlessly
As I try my best to figure out
What could this something be

Perhaps it is the evening rain
As it falls with gracious ease
Or the whisper of the Northern wind
As it sails on through the trees
It could even be the fragrance
Of the roses newly sprung
Or the sweet sound of the nightingale
When his song, it has been sung

But yet I know it’s none of these
As I’ve seen and heard them all
This something, it is new to me
As I beckon to it’s call
It plays upon my heart and mind
My spirit and my soul
For the first time in my weary life
I feel that I am whole

With heart and mind in unison
I look unto the night
Then feel that something touch me so
As it sets my heart to flight
And now I know what’s in the air
It’s what I’ve been dreaming of
I feel so blessed this very night
For that something, it is love

Ma dearest love

Ma Dearest Love

Ma dearest love, ma wan true love
How a miss thee still a caw
Fur miny a weary mile an year
Frae me, yiv been awa
The distance thit’s between us baith
Seems like a gulf sae wide
Yet still a feel ye near tae me
Wherever a may bide

Ma dearest love, ma wan true love
A still see ye everyday
Maist every time a shut ma eeyn
Or bow ma heid tae pray
A hear yer voice upon the wind
Be it gale or gentle breeze
Singing sweet oor song o love
Tae sooth ma mind an please

Ma dearest love, ma wan true love
A hope thit ye ur weel
Entwined in awe sic happiness
Thit ye never will conceal
A’ll rest weel in the knowledge
Thit we love each ither still
We luved back then, ma wan true love
An nae doubt we always will

Forever love

Forever love

Two lonely people met one day
So near, and yet so far away
Bound by words, emotions high
Hoping love won’t pass them bye

Longing, wanting, no more pain
Yet fearful, their love was in vain
Souls united, hearts were one
Jumped the moon, and rode the sun

Plans were made, at last to meet
By hills of heather smelling sweet
Time together, yet to be
Sail the wind and fly the sea

But circumstances ruled the day
Love lay bleeding far away
Thoughts of just what might have been
For a lonely King, and lonely Queen

Hopes and wishes, they did share
Love would call again somewhere
Lessons learned, amidst the pain
The circumstance will rule again

Love will last without beseech
Meant to be, but out of reach
How close they came, as close can be
Forever love, for her and me

Had I

Had I

Had I a wish, a precious wish
That would make my life so fine
With no debate, to contemplate
I’d wish that she was mine

Had I a dream, a special dream
That I wallowed in each night
With all my heart, right from the start
I’d dream to hold her tight

Had I a smile, a loving smile
That was on my face each day
With her to see, most endlessly
I’d smile my life away

Had I a love, a one true love
That would surely warm my soul
With heart and mind, no longer blind
I’d know she made me whole

Can love

Can Love

Can love be wider than the shore
Or deeper than the sea
Is it brighter than the shining moon
That glows incessantly
Can love be stronger than the tide
That rages with such ease
And can it be so gentle
As a summer morning breeze

Can love be warmer than the sun
Or a fire raging so
Is it stronger than the hardest stone
That was laid, so long ago
Can love be sweeter than the scent
Of flowers in the spring
And can it almost always set
The coldest heart to sing

Can love span all the universe
Or reach into our soul
Is it with us when we live and die
To make us, forever whole
Can love be each and everything
To determine what will be
And can it stand the test of time
For all eternity

Can love be autumn colours
Or the purest winter snow
Is it flowers in the springtime
With an evening summer glow
Can love be but the greatest truth
To stand forever tall
And can it be so perfect as
The greatest gift of all

A conversation with a rose


Thy fairest flower of fairest form
So majestical and true
Thy fairest flower would you mind
If I sat and talked to you
I’ll tell to you a tale of love
So rich and true divine
It happened not that long ago
And this tale of love is mine

I feel that we have met before
On perfect summer days
You remind me of my one true love
In oh so many ways
As I sit here and I look at you
My memories untwine
Revealing thoughts of wanton love
That once were hers and mine

Your form reflects the way my love
Portrayed herself with grace
The contours of your petals
Are the smile upon her face
Your intoxicating fragrance
Is the perfume she once wore
It fills my body and my soul
Right now just as before

Your colour is her bonnie hair
Like a rainbow set at night
The bluish tinges on your leaves
Are her eyes that shone so bright
Drops of dew remind me of
The tears that she once cried
But now they are invisible
Like your dewdrops that have dried

You and my love both close your world’s
When darkness does bestow
You hide your forms at eventide
And bow your heads so low
Your thorns are very hard to see
Hidden by a sprawling leaf
Reminds me of the way my love
Was happy to deceive